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Danyca Wallis | October 2022
“Although no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending” – Carl Brad
The year's final stretch is here! Whether or not you've completed everything you set out to do for the year, it's still possible. Even in our failures, there are lessons to be learned and the beginnings of future success.
So, as 2022 comes to an end and we start planning for 2023, there are a few things we could keep in mind to help us finish the year off strong and be better prepared to come into the new year with new deadlines and challenges.
Here are a few tips for you as accountants to finish the year off strong.
Plan Ahead
Why wait until New Year’s Eve to set goals for 2023? If you already have an idea of what objectives you and your company will need to meet next year, then start putting them out there and get a plan set up. This way, everyone already knows what to expect in the new year and have a better idea of how to accomplish the new objectives.
Get Organized
Tasks due
That end-of-year craze seems to catch up with everyone and you may feel like you have to get everything done before your office closes. But if something doesn’t have a fixed deadline due this year, move it over to a list for next years plans and focus on the important tasks you need to get done now. By getting your tasks organised you can accomplish what you can and start the new year off without feeling too stressed about tasks that were not completed.
Make use of the SmartPractice Events Scheduler to set reminders for yourself for the tasks you have pushed until next year.
Take a deep dive into your paperwork and recordkeeping and allocate your staff to ensure these are as organised as possible.
If you are not yet using DocShareSmart and the Client Portal, it may be a good time to look into it. This will provide you with an organised online filing cabinet which you and your clients can access for document upload or retrieval.
“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” - Hans Hofmann
Decluttering your workspace will in turn declutter your mind. Pick a day before your office closes where you and your team can do a deep clean of paperwork, desk clutter, office clutter and anything else that can be thrown out or put back in its place.
This should not be a daunting task, instead you should be able to make it fun and it’s a great way to ensure you and your staff leave the office with a cleansed feeling. It will also be great knowing your going to start the New Year off with a clean and organised space.
Besides paperwork, if there are any items in your office that are not being used, such as old chairs, desks, computer screens etc. then donate those to your local charity.
Accomplish One More Big Thing
Is there something you really wanted to accomplish this year? You still have time. Whether it is something you wanted to accomplish personally or something you wanted your accounting practice to accomplish, maybe you still have enough time to get it done.
Don’t Forget to Rest
“There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.” — Alan Cohen
Whether you look forward to the year-end close or not, it is such an important time for you to get some well-deserved rest. We may all enjoy the family time we’ll get and the endless late-night braais, but it’s important to remember to give yourself some time off to rest properly, get enough sleep and completely switch off from anything work related.
With a little bit of strength and passion we can all push through this last stretch of the year. Finishing the year off strong will only make things more enjoyable for you during your time off and you’ll feel more motivated and inspired to make next year better than this one.